BlockBusters Supporting Charities

Here at BlockBusters we believe very strongly that it is important to ā€œgive backā€ wherever possible. We have been established now for over 25 years, and as soon as we were able to, we began making monthly donations to charities. We started out with established national charities, but as weā€™ve become more familiar with the amazing work done by local charities, we have begun supporting local charities as well as national ones. In total, we now regularly support ten charities:


  • NSPCC: This was one of the first charities we began supporting as a business. The NSPCC is the UKā€™s leading childrenā€™s charity and weā€™re sure you are already aware of their amazing work.
  • WaterAid: This is an international charity which works tirelessly to provide clean water and safe sanitation for people all over the world. We felt that since we work to help people with water-related issues, this charity was a good fit for us. In this country a blocked toilet can be a disaster, but itā€™s easily fixed. Itā€™s terrible to think of how many people across the world donā€™t have toilets or running water, and weā€™re proud to support this charity.
  • UNICEF: The United Nations Childrenā€™s Fund provides assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. The charity was originally set up to help children in countries that had been devastated by the Second World War and sadly their job has only become larger and more important as the years have gone on.
  • RNIB: Ā The Royal National Institute of Blind People supports people with sight loss in the UK. They currently support over two million people, not only those who are blind but also partially sighted people. They do fantastic work.
  • Cancer Research UK: Weā€™ve all heard of this charity; it works to research and raise awareness of all types of cancer. Everyone knows someone whose life has been touched by Cancer in one way or another, so donating to this charity is really important to us.
  • Oxfam: This is the UKā€™s leading charity fighting poverty across the globe. In this day and age itā€™s sad to think of how many people all over the world are still living in extreme poverty so this is an important contribution for us to be making.
  • Chestnut Tree House: This is the childrenā€™s hospice for Sussex, based in Arundel. It covers East and West Sussex, Brighton and Hove and south east Hampshire and supports over 300 children and young adults with progressive life-shortening conditions. Weā€™ve supported Chestnut Tree House for ten years now, and this is one of the charities we want to put more into, as they really do fantastic work and we are privileged to be involved with them.
  • Clock Tower Sanctuary: This charity supports homeless young people in Brighton and Hove. They provide things like temporary accommodation, food and washing facilities 24/7, 365 days a year. Weā€™ve supported them for around eight years and will continue to do so.
  • YMCA: The YMCA is the largest and oldest youth charity in the world and we support our local branch in East Sussex. They support young people with things like counselling as well as more practical things such as helping them to source furniture for their homes etc.
  • Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team: The cliffs at Beachy Head are beautiful and dramatic, but being the highest cliffs in the UK they are also a well known suicide spot. The volunteers of the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team walk the length of the cliffs, reaching out to those in distress and seeking to save lives where they can. We are proud to support such a charity whose volunteers do such wonderful work.


All of these charities are close to our hearts; they stand out to us as the ones where you just really feel for the people going through the situations, whether thatā€™s illness, homelessness, poverty or other issues. We feel strongly about supporting charities and weā€™re happy to donate to these every month. We are working on another charity related project which we will post about soon!

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